Edit Other Pages

Task 2: Day 6 (6.2)

2.) You should also edit your three pages. Please check to make sure that you have included links that use anchor text (URL Wizard), pictures, clear explanations, and that you have experimented with other features in the editing toolbar (bold, underline, italics, etc…).

3.) You should also edit 8 pages that are not yours. Please explain your changes in the box that says "short description of changes."


Short description of changes:

changed link to include anchor text, corrected spelling

4.) We will be finished with this project on Friday. Please comb through your subject page carefully to make sure that it is organized in the most logical way possible, that there aren't "dead" pages, that the information contained within the subject is accurate. You are not only responsible for your pages, but also for the pages in the unit you chose.


Short description of changes:
changed link to include anchor text, corrected spelling

broken links
additions that you could make to improve the site
errors in facts

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